
[楼凤体验报告] WorstHuntingExperience@WhiteBay渥太华鬼妹体验报告

admin 发表于 2024-11-29 12:03:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Hey, guys. Just want to share my experinece with Whitebay booking with Eve. Before that, I need to claim this post not going to purposely damage White bay reputation in this market. Only personal opinion.

Booked Eve for 30 mins today, and before I was going to meet her. Agent sent me a message says will be late 15-20 mins because of buzzer not working. This does not make sense to me, why buzzer not working will delay 20 mins??  So i ask the person is that because someone else’s before me? And then they say yes. Whoever that guys is, he is late. So I have to pay for his fault?? No way. I told the agent I’m not gonna wait just because of someone else fault. I only booked 30 mins, and now I have to wait another 20 mins to see Eve. So I canceled my booking.

Later on, agent sent me a message said Eve will be aviable a certain time If I changed my mind. And When I reply yes I will go see her. Agent said, sorry Eve booked.

At the end, IF this agent will see this post, Please remember repsect every client’s time and act professional in this market. Do not send client text message everytime you have new girl coming. Only clients send you message when they need.

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